9 NOV 2020 AT 16:14
Dear Ellis,
I hope that this letter finds you well. I know that, for years, our friendship has survived the test of time, and for years you’ve been the one to carry that responsibility. I’ve always been impressed by your unwavering commitment and loyalty.
It’s no secret that that this year has been tough on all of us. Through new challenges, a pandemic, family and the ever-present threat of a mid-life crisis; I’m not surprised that communication has all but slowed to a dying heartbeat.
But I refuse to let a good thing die!
I’ve learned through my personal reflections and from conversations with others, much wiser than me, that friendship is the most godly of all loves. I learned that, to the Romans, it was considered a sacred love - almost holy in the way that it was viewed. The rationale was that there is no reason for friendship - there’s simply no justification for loving your friend. Friendship, as CS Lewis said, is simply something that adds value to survival… Yet, he went on to say that, that is the reason for its purity and why it’s worth finding and holding onto.
It’s a strange thing to say to another man. “I love you”, seems like its supposed to be a phrase reserved for the most intimate moments, with the most intimate people … and nights when the 12th Vodka has kicked in and you’re hanging over the passenger headrest, covered in cigarette ash and some dude’s armpit sweat.
Perhaps it’s the unsaid actions that express love. The random text messages, the hours poured into supporting each others’ family, the “lads” holidays and the car journeys where sometimes all it takes is a “yeah mate” to let the other guy know that you’re there for them. But what if friendship means more?
What could that be? What could it mean?
Anyway… That’s for another time, when I have a cold beer in my hand.
Until then,