2 JAN 2021 AT 19:51
Dear Ellis,
The dawning of a new year is never something that I’ve anticipated less than today. I’m sure you’re well aware, by now, that the grip of the pandemic has tightened on The UK and we seem to be (as a favourite TV character of mine put it):
Up to our neck in shit’s creek, with our mouths wide open!
Which reminds me … it’s something I’ve always loved about our relationship; the fact that you unashamedly quote films/TV series and pass the humour off as your own. It’s a uniquely “Ellis” type thing and it makes me smile whenever I think about it — especially when your wife reveals the reference to everyone in the room.
Ah man! Do you even remember what that was like? You know… being in a room together, without the fear of contracting/passing-on a virus? Who’d have thought, when this whole thing started that the one thing we’d miss would be the simple freedom of being able to “pop over” to a mate’s.
I’m not sure about you — but I for one have found the extra space quite cathartic (don’t worry — I had to Google the definition of “cathartic” too). I’ve found that life without the pressures of a budding social life or external agenda is actually quite rewarding. I’ve found that I’m happier on weekends when I get to do what I /want/ to do, rather than feeling the need to fulfil somebody else’s idea of what I /should/ be doing in order to be a good friend / husband / father / Christian / employee etc…
One thing I’m sure of, though, is that our friendship has taken a knock; although I can’t quite place my finger on how. Things just /feel/ different. But then again…everything feels different.
Physical affection has never been your thing - but I’m pretty dam sure, like me, you could do with a hug.
Anyway… Happy New Year! Jt